Változások és meglepetések - I. fejezet

Changes and surprises - Chapter I

I have lived the last few months enriched with many new feelings, lessons and experiences.

We often cling to things, we try to avoid the unknown, we find it difficult to leave the beaten track for the untrodden. Our pursuit of permanence, security, and predictability often does not give way to certain necessary changes. However, with change, new energies can be born, other dynamics can come to life, promoting continuous renewal, thus the desired security, predictability and permanence.

This year, we are going through a more drastic renewal process than ever before, as the first step of which, Péter and Ákos took over the management of our kitchen from the beginning of this year.

It is an endless joy and pride to see how, receiving a new impetus, they set out to implement my ideas that I have longed for years, which may have been ripening in them for many years, which perhaps they did not even believe was possible a few months ago.

Ákos Pfluger has been making our best pasta and soups for 11 years. He knows our every vibration, adapts perfectly to our ideas and tastes.

Péter Tiba has been responsible for our main dishes and serving for 9 years, he is an excellent professional, a talented organizer, and shares all our values.

Both of them are great people, who have reformed our kitchen with more and more self-confidence, enormous energy and ambition, brought new structures and a new approach, preserving the tradition and the values ​​that have characterized us for three decades now and without which we would never want to run a restaurant.

This year will be a year of changes and surprises!

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